Monday, July 2, 2007

How Mandy and Josh First Met

This is our little love story about how we ended up dating…

It was my last semester in 8th grade and high school was right around the corner. I ended up hanging out with my "older" friends who were already in high school. There was one specific guy I spent a good bit of time with. He would pick me up after school and we would head to the beach. Well, one day I was heading out to surf and a guy was leaving. I ended up stopping and talking to him, we exchanged names -- his was Josh -- and then we both went our separate ways.

About a week later, my friends invited me to go to a club and hang out. I didn’t have a date so I didn’t know who I was going to dance with but they had a plan. Josh was there and he ended up asking me to dance. We danced the whole night and had a great time. Ends up, he became the guy that I would call every morning during the summer to go surfing. We would hit the beach at about 7 a.m. and surf until about noon. Then he’d drop me off and we'd meet up the next day!
The end of summer was coming fast; Josh was going to be heading off to college soon. He ended up asking me on a date and I decided to go. It was amazing! We went to a seafood restaurant, saw Finding Nemo and finished it off by watching sea turtles lay eggs on the beach.
We dated about three months and then silly me decided to break up with him because I still had a crush on this other guy and I felt Josh was getting too serious about me. Well, that guy and I didn’t really work out and I decided I was finally ready for a serious relationship. I ended up calling Josh on December 8th and read him this letter I had been working on to apologize and ask him back out. He said he couldn’t really talk to me but he would think about everything I said and call me back later. The next day he called me, forgave me and said he would give me a second chance.

So here we are today, three and a half years later married and living in a little house on the beach!

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At July 8, 2007 at 8:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mandy your absolutely beautiful and your episode is my favorite!! i loved your dress! congrats


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